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Clinica Veterinária

Início Notícias Entidades WSAVA WSAVA Signs Up to PrideVMC Gender Identity Bill of Rights

WSAVA Signs Up to PrideVMC Gender Identity Bill of Rights

All WSAVA members are invited to support equal rights for all professionals

Matéria escrita por:

Clínica Veterinária

1 de jul de 2022

The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) has signed up to a Gender Identity Bill of Rights (GIBOR) created by the Pride Veterinary Medical Community (PrideVMC) as part of its campaign to address inequalities and inequities faced by the LGBTQ+ veterinary community. The WSAVA is also calling on its 115 member associations and 200,000 individual members to show their support for diversity and inclusion by signing up to the GIBOR.


PrideVMC works to create a better world for the LGBTQ+ veterinary community. Based in the USA, it launched the GIBOR in October 2021 to address the need for a clear expression of commitment to equality, equity and human rights for members of this community. The document sets out minimum civil rights expectations for gender diverse individuals, as well as commitments to equal and fair treatment for LGBTQ+ individuals right across veterinary medicine.


The WSAVA is the global association of companion animal veterinary associations. It works to raise standards of veterinary care for companion animals and provides continuing education for its members around the world. It also promotes the sustainability of the veterinary profession by highlighting issues of global concern and working with partners and stakeholders to develop solutions.


Commenting on signing up to the GIBOR, WSAVA President, Dr Siraya Chunekamrai said: “Today’s world is an inclusive world and it is high time that we recognized the contribution of every single member of our profession, while supporting them in living as their true selves. I am delighted to sign the GIBOR on behalf of the WSAVA and our global veterinary community.”


Fonte:  WSAVA